Coastal Audiology

Speech Pathology
We evaluate and treat children and adults who have difficulty with speech or language.
Although people often think of speech and language as the same thing, it is actually very different. When someone has trouble with speech, he/she may struggle with the coordination of the muscles and movement needed to produce speech. Struggles with language include understanding what he/she hears or sees. The patient may struggle finding the right words and/or organize those words in a meaningful way.
At Coastal Audiology we treat difficulties with:
The difficulty with the pronunciation of words errors may be omissions, distortions, substitutions or addition of sounds. Tongue thrust and lisping errors may also occur.
Disturbances may be the loss of voice, hoarseness harshness or strident voice quality. May result from excessive use, vocal abuse, injury or vocal polyps or nodules.
The difficulty with verbal expression or understanding usually a result of a stroke. May result in word recall difficulty, memory loss, inability to speak, read or write.
Also known as stammering. An involuntary repetition of sounds or words especially initial consonants. May blocks spasms or prolongations of sound.
Difficulty in either the oral stage, pharyngeal stage, or esophageal stage of the swallow can result in aspiration. Can be a result of a stroke, pulmonary problem, injury or motor weakness.
Speech Pathology Services are Available at:
Voorhees Twp, NJ
2301 E. Evesham Rd. Suite 306
Coastal Audiology
Phone: 856-795-5502
Precision Hearing Instruments
Phone: 856-428-0885
Manahawkin, NJ
24 Nautilus Drive – Suite 6
Manahawkin, NJ 08050
Phone: 609-978-9192
Contact Us:
Our Offices:
Manahawkin, NJ
Phone: 609-978-9192
Toms River, NJ
Phone: 732-451-1950
Voorhees, NJ
Coastal Audiology
Phone: 856-795-5502
Precision Hearing Instruments
Phone: 856-428-0885
Manasquan, NJ
Phone: 732-451-1950